Moranbah State High School is widely recognised for its sporting involvement. It has an extensive sporting calendar in which all students can be involved in a variety of different activities, from recreational sports in lunchtime competitions to multiple opportunities to represent the school at both inter-school and representative school sport.

Inter-house Lunchtime Sports
Inter-house lunchtime sports provide all students with the opportunity to play a recreational sport during their lunch breaks. The competitions are organised and run by the Sports Captain and Junior and Senior House Captains throughout the school year.
Inter-house Sporting Carnivals
Throughout the year, students are given the opportunity to battle it out in their houses in three Inter-house Sporting Carnivals. The first carnival of the year is swimming carnival early in Term 1 followed by cross country at the end of Term 1. The athletics carnival at the end of Term 2. The cross country and athletics carnivals provide an opportunity for students to gain selection into the associated Central Highlands district teams and possibly achieve selection into Capricornia and State levels.
Inter-school sport provides students the opportunity to compete in a variety of competitions including the Vicki Wilson Cup Championship (Netball), NRL School Boys Trophy Competition (Rugby League), Karyn Murphy Cup (Girls Rugby League), AFL Schools Cup (AFL) and Western 7’s (Rugby Union).
To be eligible to nominate for these teams, students must in good standing and, at times, may be required to undergo a selection process. By nominating for a team, students are committing themselves to attend training and fitness sessions that are offered for their sport, travelling to and from the competition with the team and staying with the team (if required). All permission form paperwork and payment fees (may include registration, travel, accommodation and food) must be submitted by the due date to be eligible to attend.
Representative School Sport
As part of the Denham and Central Highlands District, Moranbah State High School students have the opportunity to be selected for a representative position in their chosen sport. To be considered for a position in these teams, students must nominate themselves and may be required to attend a school trial, depending on numbers. Once students have nominated themselves, the Sports Coordinator will provide them with a nomination form. Information regarding trial nominations and dates will be advertised through daily notices and school and year level parades. A copy of the school sport calendar will also be emailed home at the start of the year and advertised on the school Facebook page.

The number of students that attend a trial and its location determines if staff will also attend. In most cases it is the responsibility of the parent or carer to transport students to and from sporting trials. It is important to note that if students are selected for a representative team and do not participate in the next level of selection, they will still be invoiced for the costs involved. They may also be ineligible to be selected for other sporting teams at this level of representation.
Due to numbers, paper nominations are often used for selection into Central Highlands teams. In these circumstances, the CH nomination paperwork must be submitted by the due date with the administration fee (paid to the office by the due date). If successful, students will receive Capricornia trial paperwork via email.
Celebration of Sporting Achievement
Moranbah State High School celebrates the sporting achievement of our students on a regular basis at parade. At the School Awards Night in Term 4 Special awards will be presented and students acknowledged.
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