

Senior Secondary:

Year 10:

The English curriculum is built around the three interrelated strands of Language, Literature and Literacy. The teaching and learning program at MSHS balance and integrates all three strands. Together, the strands focus on developing students' knowledge, understanding and skills in listening, reading, viewing, speaking and writing. Learning in English builds on concepts, skills and processes developed in earlier years, and teachers will revisit and strengthen these as needed.

  • Sustainability
  • Let Poetry inspire
  • ATAR: Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet
  • Non-ATAR: Baz Luhrmann's film adaption of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
  • ATAR: Misguided Perceptions
  • Non-ATAR: Zeitgeist

Year 11 & 12:

English (QCAA English)

English focuses on the study of both literary texts and non-literary texts. The subject develops students as independent, innovative and creative thinkers. General English students appreciate language, complex perspectives, and they challenge ideas and interpretations through the analysis and construction of varied texts.

Students are offered opportunities to interpret and create texts for personal, cultural, social and aesthetic purposes. They learn how language varies according to context, purpose and audience, content, modes and mediums, and how to use it appropriately and effectively for a variety of purposes. Students have opportunities to engage with diverse texts to help them develop a sense of themselves, their world and their place in it.

Students communicate effectively in Standard Australian English for the purposes of making and responding to texts. They make choices about generic structures, language, textual features and technologies for participating actively in literary analysis and the creation of texts in a range of modes, mediums and forms, for a variety of purposes and audiences. They explore how literary and non-literary texts shape perceptions of the world, and consider ways in which texts may reflect or challenge social and cultural ways of thinking and influence audiences.

Essential English (QCAA Essential English​)

Essential English develops and refines students' understanding of language, literature and literacy to enable them to interact confidently and effectively with others in everyday, community and social contexts.

Students recognise language and texts as relevant in their lives now and in the future and learn to understand, accept or challenge the values and attitudes in these texts.

Students engage with language and texts to foster skills to communicate confidently and effectively in Standard Australian English in a variety of contemporary contexts and social situations, including everyday, social, community, further education and work- related contexts. They choose generic structures, language, language features and technologies to best convey meaning. They develop skills to read for meaning and purpose, and to use, critique and appreciate a range of contemporary literary and non- literary texts.

Students use language effectively to produce texts for a variety of purposes and audiences and engage creative and imaginative thinking to explore their own world and the worlds of others. They actively and critically interact with a range of texts, developing an awareness of how the language they engage with positions them and others.​​

Last reviewed 17 May 2022
Last updated 17 May 2022