Senior Secondary
Year 10:
| In Year 10, students have the option to choose between studying HPE or History for the full year. If students choose History, they will study a semester of Modern History and a semester of Ancient History. Students will study engaging topics such as the development of the civil rights movements in America and Australia, genocides and ethnic cleansings in modern society, the rise and fall of ancient empires, and conduct a depth study on a famous historical figure, such as Cleopatra, Augustus or Genghis Khan. | - Nazi Germany and Youth Resistance
- Rights and Freedoms
- The Cold War
- Dispelling Viking Myths
Civics and Citizenship
| Year 10 Civics and Citizenship will develop their understanding of Australia's system of government, examine Australia's roles and responsibilities within the international context, such as its involvement with the United Nations, and study the purpose and work of the High Court. They investigate the values and practices that enable a democratic society to be sustained, along with a depth study into criminal law, with a focus on drug laws. | - Fair Trial and the Role of the High Court
- Criminal Law (Drug Law)
- Human Rights and the Law
- Civil Law
Economics and Business
| Business Studies explores how governments manage economic performance to improve living standards. Students will analyse factors that influence major consumer and financial decisions and explain how businesses respond to changing economic conditions and improve productivity. Students will evaluate the effect of organisational and workforce management on business performance. | - Major Consumer Decisions
- Economic Performance
- Business Life-Cycle
- Productivity
| Year 10 Geography students will study several different elements of Geography throughout the year, with a focus on managing and creating sustainable futures, and managing environmental and social change. Students will also explore global pandemics and how to manage them. Students will encounter real world experiences with excursions and expert presenters vising the school. | - Human Wellbeing
- Geography of Diseases
- Environmental Change and Management (Mining Land Recovery)
- Environmental Hazards
Year 11 & 12
Business (QCAA Business)
Business provides opportunities for students to develop business knowledge and skills to contribute meaningfully to society, the workforce and the marketplace and prepares them as potential employees, employers, leaders, managers and entrepreneurs.
Students investigate the business life cycle, develop skills in examining business data and information and learn business concepts, theories, processes and strategies relevant to leadership, management and entrepreneurship. They investigate the influence of, and implications for, strategic development in the functional areas of finance, human resources, marketing and operations.
Students use a variety of technological, communication and analytical tools to comprehend, analyse, interpret and synthesise business data and information. They engage with the dynamic business world (in both national and global contexts), the changing workforce and emerging digital technologies.
Business Studies (QCAA Business Studies)
Business Studies provides opportunities for students to develop practical business knowledge, understanding and skills for use, participation and work in a range of business contexts.
Students develop their business knowledge and understanding through applying business practices and business functions in business contexts, analysing business information and proposing and implementing outcomes and solutions in business contexts.
Students develop effective decision-making skills and learn how to plan, implement and evaluate business outcomes and solutions, resulting in improved economic, consumer and financial literacy.
Legal Studies (QCAA Legal Studies)
Legal Studies focuses on the interaction between society and the discipline of law and explores the role and development of law in response to current issues. Students study the legal system and how it regulates activities and aims to protect the rights of individuals, while balancing these with obligations and responsibilities.
Students study the foundations of law, the criminal justice process and the civil justice system. They critically examine issues of governance, explore contemporary issues of law reform and change, and consider Australian and international human rights issues.
Students develop skills of inquiry, critical thinking, problem-solving and reasoning to make informed and ethical decisions and recommendations. They identify and describe legal issues, explore information and data, analyse, evaluate to make decisions or propose recommendations, and create responses that convey legal meaning. They question, explore and discuss tensions between changing social values, justice and equitable outcomes.
Modern History (QCAA Modern History)
Modern History provides opportunities for students to gain historical knowledge and understanding about some of the main forces that have contributed to the development of the Modern World and to think historically and form a historical consciousness in relation to these same forces.
Modern History enables students to empathise with others and make meaningful connections between the past, present and possible futures.
Students learn that the past is contestable and tentative. Through inquiry into ideas, movements, national experiences and international experiences they discover how the past consists of various perspectives and interpretations.
Students gain a range of transferable skills that will help them become empathetic and critically-literate citizens who are equipped to embrace a multicultural, pluralistic, inclusive, democratic, compassionate and sustainable future.